The Orchards

The Orchards

Alabama Christmas 2008

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Well, what a trip. We spent Christmas this year in Alabama. Due to flights and prices we left on Dec 17th and came home on Jan 6th. It seems like a long time, but it went really fast. I guess because we did so much. Stacy was in her element and it was fun to hear her southern accent get thicker and thicker. The kids just love being at the grandparents house because there are no rules. They got to stay up late, eat candy, play, be loud, etc. You know, be kids!!!! For New Years we went down to Mobile which is where Stacy's brother lives and spent some time with them at the beach. We were able to stay at Brooke Frosts grandmothers condo on the beach which was amazing. It was really fun to watch the kids because they started out all bundled up and then one by one things came off until they were all the way immersed and soaked in the ocean. New Years Eve I was able to go buy fireworks and launch them from the beach. When I say launch is because I could buy the fireworks that blast off into the air. I was not just tied to fountains like in Utah. When I went to this fireworks store I was like a kid a candy store. I spent almost 45 minutes just looking and admiring what I saw. Stacy and the kids stayed in the condo on the balcony while I lit the fireworks and they said that every time one would explode it would light up the entire beach and some of the ocean.

The other highlight of the trip for me was going to the Sugar Bowl and watching Utah beat Alabama. Stacy also had a good time, but said it was hard to watch the game. She was a trooper though because I got tickets in the Utah section so she had to take some smack from Utah fans, but it was a lot of fun. The Super dome is just as it sounds, SUPER! It is huge and every seat is padded.

We are now home, and trying to get back into real life. We all have hang overs though and are finding it hard to believe we are back. The kids I guess are doing fine. We have had all their friends over for the last two days playing.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fishing at Flaming Gorge

OK, Stacy is always wanting me to write something on the blog so here you go. The kids and I went fishing after Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time. We did our annual trip to Flaming Gorge and Mustang Ridge. It was another successful trip. We were suppose to have rain, but we only got wind. We caught a total of 29 fisher between us (me, Abby and Austin), Kelly, and Dad (Terry Sr.). Kelly, of course showed us all up by catching the most, 14, fish. The highlight for me though, was Abby caught 4 all by herself. We were using worms and a bubble and so I would cast it out and have her watch the bubble. As soon as it went down then she would reel in. She loved it and caught the 4 with out any help from me. The other highlight of the trip was the net. Both Abby and Austin loved to use the net to get the fish into the bank. They were really good at it also. We usually do this trip in one day, but we decided this time to spend the night. So, we rented a condo at the Flaming Gorge Lodge. The kids said "it was so much better than a hotel!" It was nice because we did not have to get up early to go nor get back. We were able to fish until we got tired and then go get a good nights sleep and fish again the next day. I loved being with my kids. I love seeing them climb on the rocks, or over trees. I love seeing them play together. I love seeing their faces as they caught the fish and then even more as they touched them. They are wonderful kids.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

New York

Ok, guess were we went? No, I am not going to tell you. You have to guess from the picture! OK I will tell you. Terry and I went to New York!! Terry had a customer he was flying back for a large demo and so I went along with him. It was a short trip, but a fun one. We went to two plays on Broadway. The first was Tale of Two Cities and it was out of this world. In fact, I liked it better than Wicked which we saw the next day. Not to say that Wicked was bad, it was just that the singing talent in Tale of Two Cities was that good. We also saw ground zero and it was a strange felling still to be down there. We also saw Times Square.

It is also fall and the colors are out of this world. Terry is having to much fun with the camera.

Friday, October 17, 2008

First Snow

We just had our first snow storm for the year. Yes go figure. It is only the second week in OCT and we had at least 2 inches fall at our house. It fell on a Saturday night and so when the kid woke up Sunday morning they were besides themselves. "Dad can we get our snow clothes on?" "Dad where are my boots?" "I can't find my gloves." Well, all of their clothes were out in the garage and so we had to go out in the cold to get them. After we found the bins of cloths we then remembered that most of their stuff they had out grown last year and so we gave them to DI with plans on getting new clothes this year. So we had to mix and match and bundle them up so they could go outside. It really was pretty. It only lasted a few days because by Wed the temperature was back up to 65-70 and the snow was gone.

We know that we have not done very many updates, but we have been busy with really nothing. We did a far amount of traveling during the summer that now we are just catching up and getting things prepared for Winter. Terry and I are going to New York next week. He has a customer that he is taking back there and so I am going to tag along. I have never been to NY and so I am very excited. Bonnie, my good friend, is going to met me there and we are going to tour NY on Tuesday while Terry is at work. Tuesday night we are going to go see "tale of two cities" on Broadway. Wed will be more site seeing and then seeing "Wicked" on broadway at night. It will be a short trip, but who cares. WE ARE GOING TO NEW YORK!!!!!!!!! Can't wait.